Tuesday May 07, 2024

81 // Money Mindset series | The impact of your scarcity money mindset

🔍 Have you ever felt like no matter how hard you work or how much you earn, there's just never enough?

💡 In today's episode, we delve into the world of scarcity money mindset and how it could be hindering your financial success.

🌟 This episode's highlights include:

  1. Exploring the definition of a scarcity money mindset and its origins.

  2. Understanding the emotional and behavioral impacts of scarcity thinking.

  3. Discovering how scarcity mindset can affect your financial decisions and business growth.

  4. Sharing personal anecdotes to illustrate the persistence of scarcity mindset regardless of financial status.

  5. Offering actionable steps to shift your mindset and embrace abundance through biblical principles.

🎯 Don't let a scarcity money mindset hold you back from experiencing true financial freedom and abundance. Tune in to learn how to break free from the cycle of lack and embrace a mindset of abundance in Christ.




Let go of the fear and limiting beliefs about money, success and yourself. Are you ready to Transform Your Finances with Faith, Fun and Freedom 

The Fun Money Habits Universe!

  1. Instagram @christianmoneymindset

  2. Free Training: Discover your money blocks

  3. Work with me to let go of your anxiety and scarcity money mindset and transform your relationship with money with biblical principles - Book a call


It is time to shift your money mindset with biblical principles and have fun managing money so you can earn more without fear, sell your products with confidence, become a better steward and reach your money goals faster while keeping your heart on JESUS.

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